Hi, let me count your words, characters, letters and more.


Need tips to shorten your text?

Readability Index: 0

General public Index is between 60-70. Learn more about the Readability Index

Number of words: 0

Characters (incl. spaces): 0

Characters (without spaces): 0

Number of paragraphs: 0

Number of sentences: 0

Average words per sentence: 0

Approx. reading time (minutes): 0

Approx. speaking time (minutes): 0

Social Media Character Usage:

Twitter Tweet (Max 280 char.): 280

Instagram Bio (Max 150 char.): 150

Twitter Bio (Max 160 char.): 160

FB Post (Max 63206 char.): 63206


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How it works?

Write your text in the field above. You can also copy your text into the field.


Immediately your text will be evaluated and you will receive:

– Number of words

– Characters (incl. spaces)

– Characters (without spaces)

– Number of sentences

– Average words per sentence

– Approximate reading time (minutes)


Furthermore you can see how many characters you have left for social media posts (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)

Understanding Word Count and Page Length

Understanding the relationship between word count and page length is an essential aspect of writing, particularly when working within specified parameters for assignments, articles, or book manuscripts. The length of a document in pages can vary greatly based on several considerations, such as the chosen font and its size, margin settings, and line spacing.


A general estimate can guide you, but it’s important to remember that it’s just that – an estimate. The true length of a document in pages is subject to the specific stylistic choices you make during the formatting process. These choices are not merely cosmetic but can have a profound impact on the readability and overall presentation of your text.


Font selection is a key determinant. Different fonts have different dimensions, and even a seemingly minor difference in font size can significantly affect the page count. For instance, a document written in Arial at 11 points will likely occupy more pages than the same document in Times New Roman at the same font size.


Line spacing is another critical factor. A document with single spacing will have twice as many words on a page as the same document with double spacing. Consequently, if you are given a page limit rather than a word count, this is a significant aspect to consider.


Margin settings, too, play an essential role. The larger the margins, the fewer words will fit on each page, hence increasing the total number of pages for a given word count.


In conclusion, understanding the dynamic between word count and page length is vital, particularly in academic, professional, and publishing contexts where adherence to specific guidelines is often required. It’s a delicate balance between maintaining stylistic consistency and meeting word count or page length requirements. The key lies in comprehending these influencing factors and making informed decisions that best serve the purpose of your writing.

2000 Words

For a document with a standard format – 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and one-inch margins – approximately 2000 words would typically fill around 4 pages. It’s important to note that if you use a different format, the number of pages could increase or decrease.

3000 Words

Increasing the word count to 3000 words under the same standard formatting parameters, you are looking at roughly 6 pages. Of course, as previously stated, these estimates can vary depending on factors such as the inclusion of diagrams, graphs or images, which take up more space than text.

4000 Words

Lastly, in the case of a 4000-word document, this would generally amount to about 8 pages using the standard formatting. Documents with larger word counts can also be subject to greater variability in terms of their page length, especially if they include items such as tables, headers, footers, and images.


The estimates provided above should serve as a handy reference point, but keep in mind that they’re just estimates. The true length of your document in pages will depend on your specific formatting choices. Therefore, always ensure to check the word count and page length requirements when dealing with academic or professional assignments.

Understanding Word Counters

Word counters are invaluable digital tools for writers, students, and professionals alike. They enable users to monitor the length of their content accurately and efficiently, ensuring it meets specific requirements or limits.


A word counter tool works by scanning the inputted text and calculating the total number of words present. This includes everything from single-letter words to multi-syllable words. Some word counters also provide additional statistics like character count, sentence count, and estimated reading time, offering a comprehensive overview of your content.


Their use extends beyond just counting words. For SEO-driven content, keeping track of the word count is essential. Search engines tend to favor articles with certain word counts, usually around 300-600 words for online articles, so a word counter helps maintain these limits for optimal online visibility.


Moreover, word counters prove essential in academic settings. Students often need to adhere to strict word limits for essays and dissertations, making these tools crucial for success.

In professional writing, whether drafting a succinct email or an extensive report, maintaining an appropriate length is vital for effective communication. Here, word counters can aid in creating precise and concise content.


In conclusion, a word counter is a versatile tool that helps maintain clarity, readability, and relevance in written content across various platforms. By helping manage word count, they ensure your writing is always the perfect length.

Tips to make your text shorter

There are many reasons why your text can be too long. In these cases, we have listed some helpful tips that you can use to shorten your text. Most of the time you can avoid duplication. Or you can use a simpler sentence structure. This usually results in shorter sentences. Just go through the following points and check which tip you can apply to your text.



Replace written out numbers with digits.


Be Concise:

Cut out unnecessary words and phrases that do not contribute value to the message. Every word should have a clear function and purpose.


Use Active Voice:

Active voice tends to be more direct and shorter than passive voice. For example: “The cat chased the mouse” instead of “The mouse was chased by the cat.”


Eliminate Redundancy:

Avoid repeating the same words or ideas. Each should appear once to keep the text concise.


Use Simple Words:

Opt for simple and clear words over complex and jargon-filled language. Simplicity makes the text more accessible and often shorter.


Shorten Paragraphs:

Long paragraphs can be broken down into shorter, more focused ones. This helps to make the text clearer and more concise.


Use Bullet Points or Lists:

Presenting information in bullet points or lists can be more concise and easier to read than paragraphs.


Remove Filler Words:

Words such as “just,” “really,” and “very” often do not add much meaning and can be eliminated to make the text shorter.


Prioritize Information:

Focus on the most crucial information and cut out less relevant details to keep the text focused and concise.


Use Contractions:

Use contractions such as “it’s” instead of “it is” to save space and make the text flow better.


Edit Multiple Times:

Review and edit the text multiple times to find and eliminate unnecessary words and ensure  

the message remains clear and concise.


Avoid Jargon:

Jargon can make a text longer and less accessible to a general audience. Stick to clear and simple language.


Use Numbers and Symbols:

Numbers and symbols can sometimes replace words and make a text shorter.


Watch for Double Negatives:

Double negatives can make a sentence longer and more confusing than necessary.


Avoid Filler Sentences:

Sentences like “It’s important to note that…” can often be removed without changing the meaning.


Use Precise Verbs:

Strong and precise verbs can shorten a sentence while making it more dynamic.


Combine Sentences:

When appropriate, combine related sentences to make the text more concise.

Readability Index​ explained in detail

The Readability Index is a valuable tool that helps determine the ease with which a reader can understand a piece of text. On our website, we provide a Readability Index tool that allows users to assess the readability of their text, ensuring it aligns with the target audience’s comprehension level.

There are various formulas used to calculate the Readability Index, one of the most common being the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test. This formula assesses two main factors: the average sentence length (ASL) and the average syllables per word (ASW). The formula we use is as follows:


206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW)

How to interpret it?

The result of this calculation gives a score that can be interpreted as follows:

  • 90-100: Very Easy
  • 80-89: Easy
  • 70-79: Fairly Easy
  • 60-69: Standard
  • 50-59: Fairly Difficult
  • 30-49: Difficult
  • 0-29: Very Difficult

A high Readability Index score means the text is easy to understand, while a low score indicates that the text might be challenging for some readers. Ideally, a text aimed at the general public should aim for a score of 60 to 70, which is considered standard and easily comprehensible by a wide range of readers.

When using our Readability Index tool, simply input your text into the provided field, and the tool will automatically calculate the score for you. This is a great way to ensure that your writing is accessible and easy to understand, making it more likely to resonate with your audience.

It’s important to note that while the Readability Index is a valuable tool, it should be used in conjunction with other measures to assess the quality of your text, such as grammar, style, and content relevance. By taking all these factors into account, you can create a well-rounded and effective piece of writing that meets the needs of your target audience.